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Should I plan my pregnancy in advance? Most often parents-to-be do not. But more and more often today, pregnancy planning is being taken quite seriously. Currently, many people are still perplexed: Why plan a pregnancy? Pregnancy planning, or informed parenthood, is a guarantee of well-being of the future child.

In the process of planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to carefully analyze the situation at the moment and look a little bit into the future. Of course, you can not foresee everything that can happen, but some points can still be thought through. It is better to start preparing for conception six months or at least three months before pregnancy. 


When can I start planning a pregnancy? It is best to get pregnant between the ages of 21 and 26. Today, the age of women who give birth for the first time has increased significantly.  Study, career, desire to get on your feet – all this puts pregnancy on the back burner, and the first births are increasingly occurring after 30 years.


The positive point is that conception occurs purposefully, deliberately, and the child is born into a financially secure family. If the expectant mother is studying and cannot or does not want to postpone conception until later, it is worth timing it so that the child is born during the vacations. As a result, she will have the opportunity to be close to the baby, provide breastfeeding and settle into her new status. Also, when planning a pregnancy you should look: will it not coincide with state exams or defense of the thesis? 


When choosing the time of conception, it is worth considering the season in which the baby will be born. For example, if the birth will take place in the fall, the drastic changes in temperature and humidity may interfere with walks. If conceived in the spring, there is a high probability of catching viral infections, which is unacceptable in the first months of pregnancy. However, the third trimester in winter will be much easier. Summer is a good time for conception due to an abundance of vegetables and fruits. Autumn is also excellent in this sense. However, the autumn period is famous for unstable weather conditions and the massive spread of viral diseases. The last months of pregnancy in this case will fall in the hot summer season, which can lead to frequent swelling and sleepiness.

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