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Family Development


There are people who work on their figure all their lives, who don’t eat sugar, gluten, or lactose, and who plow through the gym, looking in the mirror hoping to see biceps and abs. Others live at work, make a career, conquer the floors of skyscrapers. These are the pictures that come to mind when you hear the word “work,” and they just don’t seem to go with your tender, reverent romantic feelings. Trying. Isn’t that a relationship word? Shouldn’t it be easy, natural, and effortless? 

Working on a relationship is a constant analysis of what is going on in a couple, identifying the causes, trying to influence the situation and the partner with conscious special actions. It is the art of being yourself in the relationship with the person you love, not trying to play and appear to be someone. The same goes for your partner: you have to accept him or her as he or she is, with all his or her flaws. It is the desire to develop your relationship and change it for the better, while subtly feeling the line between influencing the sphere of the relationship and refracting the person.

Family Life
Family life – family responsibilities – who owes what. These are all the household chores that must be done in the family to provide for its natural needs. And the results of these chores are what and how the family is doing in terms of housekeeping and beautification. This is a...
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Family Relations
How to work on a relationship properly? Learn to talk to your partner The ability to express your opinion and thoughts in a timely and correct manner can get rid of a lot of reticence in the relationship. Having agreed on something, lovers can either keep the formed rules of making and implementing...
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Family Budget
The ability to rationally plan expenses, account expenses and control purchases will be a real salvation for those who do not know where the money goes, how to manage the family budget and why it is necessary. There are three basic types of family budgets: joint, when all sources of income are...
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