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Family Life

Family life – family responsibilities – who owes what. These are all the household chores that must be done in the family to provide for its natural needs. And the results of these chores are what and how the family is doing in terms of housekeeping and beautification. This is a significant list of family chores, from “screw in a light bulb” to “make repairs to the house,” or even to build the house itself. And the whole spectrum of the material life of the family.

How to make sure that the family life does not oppress or kill the family?It is difficult, but it is possible: you have to negotiate. Agree at the beginning of family life: who, what, how and how much will do to maintain the family life. The main criterion: respect for the interests of the family, husband and wife. Agreed upon again, if the living conditions of the family change: decide upon a redistribution of family obligations, taking into account, again, the interests of the family and its members.


Family life is the life of the family. Relationships within the family depend on its adjustment. If the family life is not set up, there are not and cannot be normal relationships in the family. And vice versa: no normal relationships in the family – do not take into account the interests of all family members – they can not adjust family life.


The second task after the negotiations is to make a schedule of the day.which should reflect the main routine moments – this is especiallyimportant if family members work from home and children study online. The schedule will help all family members navigate the new rhythm of life:when to claim lunch and who is responsible for that lunch, when there istime for themselves and their activities, and when it’s time for everyone to be together orapart from each other.


Establishing clear rules and agreements, keeping a schedule,Having a small but private space for each family memberwill create a comfortable atmosphere in the home.