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Family Relations

How to work on a relationship properly?

  • Learn to talk to your partner

The ability to express your opinion and thoughts in a timely and correct manner can get rid of a lot of reticence in the relationship. Having agreed on something, lovers can either keep the formed rules of making and implementing decisions, turning them into a tradition and ritual, or every time will have to go through everything as it was the first time – in quarrels.


  • Be willing to compromise

Compromise is not giving up your desires, but an agreement based on mutual concessions. That is, if a person has moved a little bit in his requests, and the partner has moved a little bit in his, both as a result, both have found a solution suitable enough for all.


  • Thank and encourage

The one of the couple who proactively improves everyone’s life wants to see his or her partner’s gratitude: gifts, kind words, or at least to receive respect and something tasty. The one who submits to other people’s decisions rightly expects to be compensated: some bonuses or consideration for his or her own opinion in other matters. If this happens, the family is strengthened.


  • Respect personal boundaries

You should not pry into your partner, and no one in principle, with their advice and instructions, if they have not been asked. You have to realize that the person you love is a separate person with his or her own history, desires and abilities. And if something is bothering you a lot, you need to talk about it and negotiate about it.